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Columbian Lawyers Association of Brooklyn, INC.


Welcome to our website

From Our President:

August 3, 2023

Dear Fellow Columbians:

Ciao tutti! It is my greatest honor that I write to you for the first time as the President of our most valued organization. I am beyond excited to work with all of you to make this one of the best year’s ever. Our Installation dinner dance in June was an evening I will never forget. I was so proud to take my oath surrounded by so many Past Presidents. It was a fitting tribute to Sal Scibetta and I want to thank Sal for the tremendous job he did as President. It was our first year back to all in-person events and Sal made the transition seamless. The yearly success of this Association is also due to the dedication of Executive Director Steven Bamundo and the rest of the Executive staff.

I want to share some very exciting news- the Columbian lawyers website will be up and running on August 9, 2023!! Our new website is located at and will allow us to efficiently manage our association and simplify membership tasks. Its features include not only the Website, but also the Membership Directory (that members can update themselves), Payment Processing for online payments and reporting, Event Management, Registration and Calendar, Automated Email communications, and a mobile app. Eventually, we will include an Online Store and Sponsorships for advertising. A special thank you to Bruno Codispoti for making this all possible.

This year will be a huge success. We will be returning to Gargiulo’s for our monthly meetings with our usual excellent speakers. The tentative schedule for the meetings is as follows:


September 6, 2023 at Gargiulo’s

October 4, 2023 at Gargiulo’s

November 8, 2023 at Gargiulo’s

January 9, 2024 at Nino’s in Staten Island

February 7, 2024 at Gargiulo’s

March 6, 2024 at Gargiulo’s

April 3, 2024 at Gargiulo’s

May 1, 2024 at Gargiulo’s

October is always a special month as it is Italian Heritage month. We will expect to be back at Tiro-A-Segno to celebrate and enjoy the finest Italian Cuisine of a particular Italian region. The Red Mass is also held in October, an event we co-sponsor with the Catholic Lawyers Guild of Brooklyn. In December, we celebrate the members of our Judiciary at Judge’s night. Only MEMBERS can attend so I encourage you to have your friends become members of our Association before that event. In January we will make our yearly pilgrimage to Staten Island and have our monthly CLE and dinner at Nino’s. I am also pleased to announce that our Spring CLE seminar will be in April 2024-I will give you more information as it becomes available. It is sure to be an incredible event. Finally, our annual dinner dance will take place in June.

In order for this organization to continue to thrive and to expand I am asking that you please pay your annual dues as expeditiously as possible. Attached to this email is the dues notice. We are “Columbian Strong” and together we can ensure that our Association continues to provide the greatest CLE’s, events, and technological advances.

I am looking forward to this coming year and all the events we have planned. There is no Bar Association like this one!!! The camaraderie we share is truly special. Enjoy the rest of your summer and I look forward to seeing you all on September 6.

Fraternally yours,

Yolanda Guadagnoli


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Columbian Lawyers Association of Brooklyn, Inc.
150 Broadway, 23rd Floor
New York | NY 10038

© Columbian Lawyers Association of Brooklyn, Inc. 2024, All Rights Reserved

The Columbian Lawyers Association of Brooklyn, Inc is a nonprofit 501 (c) 3 organization